There is a disconnect between people and the fraud perpetuated to all of us because the average american cant pin point a culprit. watch JFK warned us of the luciferian system in place before 1962 that costed JFK his life for exposing. its our intention to connect the dots so all Americans privately deduces a clear picture and bearings to grasp the lay of the land of the fruad so that once and for all awaken the sleeping lions and join us to be assert and unalienable rights and get freedom
Kansas Republic Jural Assembly
The Kansas Jural Assembly, Sui Juris government. established on Feb 24th 2020. We the Kansan inhabitant domicile and standing on the land and soil jurisdiction: in 2016 President Donald J Trumps reactivated The United States for America Republic. and we the people of asserted our right to declared Kansas States Republic as Sui juries State and Jural judistition, so help us Lord